2022 Policies
Decide how we work together
The 2022 Vote results are ready! You can see them at the following links:
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About this process
This process belongs to Past Results
As People Powered grows, members decide how we work together.
Through a participatory policy-making process, we invited participatory democracy organizations and advocates around the world to decide on new organizational policies to advance our mission, values, and plans.
First, everyone was invited to share ideas for new policies. Then, our member organizations, boards, and staff turned the ideas into a shortlist of proposals, and voted to decide which policies we implement. A Governance Committee of member organizations and board members oversaw the process.
Proposals were considered eligible if they met the following criteria:
- Consistent with People Powered’s mission and values
- Contributes to the goals of People Powered’s strategic plan
- Relevant and applicable in more than one country.
- Something that we can realistically implement in 2022.
Ideas See all proposals (22)
Created at
10/22/2021 -
- 2
It could be so...
Created at
10/21/2021 -
- 0
Created at
10/12/2021 -
- 0
Created at
10/21/2021 -
- 1
Proposals See all proposals (7)
Created at
11/02/2021 -
- 6
Created at
11/02/2021 -
- 7
Created at
11/02/2021 -
- 2
Created at
11/02/2021 -
- 9