2022 Budget
Decide what we do together
New tool to combine PB with monitoring delivery
Develop and test a tool that brings together PB and citizen-led monitoring of budget delivery, with Integrity Action. Available tools tend to deal with one side of the budget cycle or the other. But citizens tell us they'd like to be involved in the whole cycle (without having to use two separate tools/processes).
If citizens are engaged in budget decisions, they are asking: how will I then know if it's delivered properly? If citizens are monitoring delivery (of, say, local infrastructure), they are asking: why can't I be involved in deciding what's on the budget in the first place?
Integrity Action specialises in citizen monitoring, so could contribute to development and also engage a CSO to co-design and test it (Kenya is a possibility). The result could be in two versions: non-digital and digital (latter being easy to adopt, built on free platforms).
Certainly possible within timescale and $100k. IA would roll out to partners and beyond.
Cost estimate: $100,000
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