Prioridades del plan estratégico para 2024
Decide qué actividades del plan estratégico 2024-26 priorizamos
Organizar y hablar en conferencias, seminarios web y otros eventos.
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Decide qué actividades del plan estratégico 2024-26 priorizamos
Organizar y hablar en conferencias, seminarios web y otros eventos.
La siguiente cadena de texto es una representación abreviada y hashed de este contenido. Es útil para garantizar que el contenido no haya sido alterado, ya que una única modificación daría lugar a un valor totalmente diferente.
{"body":{"en":"<p>Organize and speak at conferences, webinars and other events.</p>","es":"<p>Organizar y hablar en conferencias, seminarios web y otros eventos.</p>","fr":"<p>Organiser et prendre la parole lors de conférences, webinaires et autres événements.</p>","pt":"<p>Organize e fale em conferências, webinars e outros eventos.</p>"},"title":{"en":"Events ","es":"Eventos ","fr":"Événements ","pt":"Eventos "}}
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4 comentarios
This is a great way to raise our profile, showcase our work and also build influence in the PD field and beyond - if we want People Powered to become the 'go-to' organization for participatory democracy, we will have to continue strengthening and building our public profile through speaking engagements.
This links to increasing profile and attracting alternate funding streams - to achieve them you need to be known and seen as a trusted source of information.
Conversación con Mariana
I agree with these two comments and I wonder how we can partner with members so they can represent PP, and not just be PP staff the ones that speak or attend events.
Usually when PP staff receive a speaking invitation we identify both staff and members to speak at the event, to lift up multiple voices.
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