Políticas para 2024
Decida como trabalharemos juntos
Nova Estrutura de Governança
Esta proposta descreve um novo sistema para os comitês e centros que conectam os membros do People Powered entre si e com os programas e atividades da organização. People Powered é um veículo para organizações e defensores da democracia participativa construirem recursos, programas e infraestrutura globais para apoiar seu trabalho. Nossos comitês e hubs são os espaços para os membros realizarem esse trabalho. Nosso sistema atual está desatualizado e não corresponde aos nossos programas atuais ou ao trabalho do nosso plano estratégico. Esta é uma proposta que os membros discutirão, revisarão e votarão durante nosso processo anual de tomada de decisão dos membros, People Powered Decides.
- Mudanças no quadro associativo devido ao planejamento estratégico: Nas discussões de planejamento estratégico de 2023, os membros, a equipe e a diretoria do People Powered priorizaram duas mudanças amplas no sistema de associados e na organização:
- Expandir o número de membros para incorporar membros individuais , profissionais do governo, pesquisadores e defensores, juntamente com organizações locais e nacionais.
- Ajustar os espaços para a participação focada dos membros , incluindo centros regionais e comitês temáticos.
- Reestruturação Programática a partir do Planejamento Estratégico: People Powered experimentou muitos recursos e programas em seus primeiros três anos. No nosso novo plano estratégico restringimos o foco a um conjunto de recursos e atividades prioritárias que tiveram maior apoio e impacto. Isto permite-nos alinhar os nossos comités membros com estas prioridades.
- Aprendendo com os Centros Regionais Iniciais : A People Powered lançou os seus dois primeiros centros regionais em 2022, em duas regiões específicas (África Francófona; e Europa Central e Oriental e Balcãs). Descobrimos que seria difícil sustentar este modelo em muitas sub-regiões em escala e que tínhamos uma maior necessidade inicial de centros continentais que pudessem incluir e envolver mais membros e permitir que o pessoal comunicasse mais facilmente com os membros nas principais regiões . Após consulta com os membros africanos, decidimos fazer a transição do centro da África Francófona para um centro de África e dar prioridade à criação de centros nas quatro regiões prioritárias do PP: África, Ásia, Europa Oriental e América Latina.
- Transição do foco específico no OP para um foco mais amplo na democracia participativa : People Powered surgiu do Centro OP Global que foi formado em 2019. Embora tenhamos feito a transição para um foco mais amplo na democracia participativa, mantivemos a antiga estrutura legada do OP Global Hub, sendo os Conselhos Globais de Praticantes e Pesquisa de OP os nossos únicos conselhos programáticos. Envolvemos estes conselhos em discussões sobre como fazer a transição para além desta estrutura antiga, e houve um apoio esmagador à mudança para uma nova estrutura que não priorizasse desproporcionalmente o OP.
Proposto Mudanças
- Alinhar Centros Regionais com Regiões Prioritárias : Concentre-se primeiro na criação de centros regionais nas quatro regiões prioritárias do People Powered. Considerar a criação de centros noutras regiões assim que os quatro primeiros estiverem estabelecidos.
- Alinhar os Comités Temáticos com o Plano Estratégico: Consolidar muitos comités diferentes de longo prazo e ad-hoc num novo conjunto de comités temáticos de longo prazo que corresponda aos recursos, programas e actividades do nosso novo plano estratégico . Suspender os Conselhos do OP Global e mudar para comités mais pequenos que se concentrem em áreas de trabalho específicas, em diferentes tipos de democracia participativa. Garantir que a forma siga a função - que tenhamos os comités de que necessitamos para o trabalho que pretendemos realizar, para ajudar a realizar esse trabalho e para fornecer um propósito claro aos membros do comité.
Comparação entre o sistema antigo e o novo sistema proposto
Descrição dos Comitês
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22 comentários
Conversa com Carolin Hagelskamp
Is there a limit on how many people can join a committee? Is says that the committees should be smaller than the boards. For former research board members, the natural shift would be to sign up for the "research committee" --- is that intended? There is a lot of interest in research and many researchers among members - are they all supposed to end up in the research committee? It seems perhaps that thematic committees around youth PB, citizen assemblies etc. are missing where former researchers and practitioners would find a new home (aside from playbook and digital participation).
Also, what kinds of resources can the organisation invest in each committee? Will all committees be lead by a central staff person? Will there be resources for getting certain work done, e.g. designers that can help making research findings look good?
These are good questions. Personally, I would imagine that some but not all PB research board members would join a research committee, but this would also require non-PB researchers.
A key question for me is what amount and scale of committees can PP staff realistically support, to make the committees a meaningful and productive experience. Maybe one benchmark would be to not have more committees than we have staff members, so that there is generally one dedicated staff point person per committee. I feel pretty confident that we could support that. When individual staff are accountable for multiple committees we have more often struggled to follow through.
Regarding resources for the work (like graphic design), at this point we have resources allocated for some committees through specific project funding. But beyond that, we don't have extra discretionary resources at this point.
Conversa com Alberto Ford
Acuerdo en general con la propuesta de reforma de la estructura de gobierno. Me sumo a las preguntas de Carolin. Agrego mi interés en brindar un lugar más claro a la experimentación y la co-creación de nuevas ideas y prácticas de democracia participativa (tal vez dentro del comité de desarrollo de capacidades en la dirección esrtratégica 1).
Gracias por tu comentario, Alberto. De acuerdo que es muy importante crear estos espacios para co-crear, hablar y desarrollar nuevas ideas y prácticas de la democracia participativa. Estaremos revisando donde integrarlos.
Creo que esto también puede venir de los miembros que estan desarrollando nuevas prácticas y pueden utilizar infrastructura de PP para obtener apoyo de otros miembros y tener conversaciones. También hay organizaciones que estan haciendo este tipo de experimentos o tienen laboratorios, como Extituto de Politica Abierta, para innovar o integrar practicas que no son reconocidas, muchas veces por venir del Sur Global.
Note: the ''Playbook'' and ''Digital Participation'' committees are part of the ''thematic'' committees, not part of the ''Ad- Hoc work teams and committees'' as stated in the table above.
Conversa com Fildzah Husna Amalina
I'd like the idea of setting up new hubs and committees! Maybe some questions to consider: how can we somehow integrate the hubs with the committees and ad-hoc teams so that the hubs could also support the strategic plan? As maybe some members want to participate in both the hub and committee, or some want to choose to focus on either?
Also it would be great if we can encourage more teams of members/organizations to form new ad-hoc committees along the way, maybe something thematic or related to a specific scope of work they want to promote.
This is a great point, Fildzah! Some members have also mentioned that we should connect more the work of the regional hubs with the programs and resources that PP is creating. I agree we should encourage or set up more cross collaborations between regional hubs and committees.
About the new ad-hoc or thematic committees, wondering how to encourage members to self-initiate them, coordinate and maintain these committees? Since staff might not have enough capacity to manage them
Conversa com Yen-Ting Hsu
Would it be useful to have a committee for regional hubs if it is not under the governance committee? I think it will also be precious that regional hubs are learning from each other. PP can also discuss and develop policies for all the regional hubs in that committee.
Me parece muy importante que los hubs regionales se conecten de alguna manera y de modo regular porque uno de los valores de People Powered es su alcance global, la oportunidad que da a los miembros de conocer otras regiones. De modo que, aunque me gustan los hubs regionales porque se pueden hacer actividades más contextualizadas y se facilitan quizá por el idioma, es muy importante que haya conexión entre ellos. Está función podría tenerla un comitee, o el staff pero sería bueno que esté pensado.
Thanks Yen-Ting and Rocio for your comments!
We are planning to have a committee or at least we will have monthly meetings with coordinating organizations, where the idea is to keep improving the work and structure of the regional hubs and define how PP will support you better. Additionally, as Yen-Ting mentions to have an space for coordinating organizations to share lessons and find opportunities for collaboration.
Conversa com Ervyn Kaffah
I would like to get information regarding Hub development. Are there any guidelines or models offered for work patterns in each hub and how the structure relates to head office?
This includes which unit will guide or support the development of the hub. It might be more effective to appoint a manager under the PP Director who will take care of hub development.
There should be experience from previous hub development. Is there anything we can learn too? thank you
These are great points, Ervyn, thank you!
We are working on those guidelines and defining the relationship with PP. We are integrating internal and external lessons. Additionally organizations participating in the residencies, developed a regional hub started kit.
About support and development, Greta and I, as community building area will be in charge of the regional hubs.
Conversa com Francesca
Think this is a really good policy. I would like to see in the future a regional HUB added that includes the UK geographically but understand that priority needs to be given to proposed regions as identified presently. I like the introduction of the Capacity Building Committee as this is something that comes up within practice at every strategic level in work related to democracy and community development. I also think mentoring sits well within this committee.
Thank you for your comments and suggestions, Francesca.
As you mentioned, the priority is regions in Global South, but I agree that is important to also establish hubs in other regions. We are thinking about starting with regional meetings with the regions that haven't developed a hub, and try to raise funds to make them hubs.
It would be great to have you in the Capacity Building committee :)
Maybe we need team to collecting and matriculate any inisiatives, innovate, methode, tools, platform etc. that can be scale-up in the region or for another region..
Conversa com daniel schugurensky
Regional hubs: Hopefully the main office of the regional hub can rotate every 3 years. For instance, in Latin America the office could rotate from Mexico to Colombia to Brazil to Chile to Argentina, etc. (depending on local capacity and other factors). Hopefully the first year would be for establishing online connections, the second to organize a meeting, and the third to write a report on the state of participatory democracy in the region. Hence, every 3 years PP would have several regional reports on the state of participatory democracy in the world.
it sounds like a fantastic idea
Muy buena idea!
Thank you for your suggestions, Daniel. We are defining the number of years of the term that the coordinating organizations will lead the work of the hub. Making sure that the term can allow them to do substantial work but also that other organizations (based in different countries) can lead it.
Perhaps start planning potential Western European hub and North American hub in the near future?
I really like this direction and fully support it! Above all, I like the simplified structure and the emphasis on Regional Hub development.
I wonder if it is worth distinguishing ad hoc committees in the overall institutional struture. I understand that they are project-based, new ones may come. So I would emphasise more the main committees.
A small comment, it may be due to the language context, but after a first glimpse of the main committees, I missed one that is directly responsible for the relationship with the members, for supporting them, contacting them, looking for new ones. Now I see that these activities are embedded in Governance.
This all are very good points.
1. Can we make sure that PP will share an quick evaluation report on first experience of regional hub in Africa francophone and in East european?
2. Is it possible to support the new continental regional hub to mobilize funds for more in person activities ? Because building democracy needs today to have critical, strong and sustainable mobilization of actors who are really on the democracy area.
3. For communication commitee, PP can see how to add journalist with international media to communicate on Participatory democracy, it will be a good way for better learn on what are new democracy practices in the world.
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