2024 Strategic Plan Activities
Decide what strategic plan 2024-26 activities we prioritize
Changes at "Ecosystem building"
- -{"en"=>"Ecosystem building", "es"=>"", "fr"=>"", "pt"=>""}
- +{"es"=>"Construcción del ecosistema", "en"=>"Ecosystem building", "fr"=>"Construction d'un écosystème", "pt"=>"Construção de ecossistema"}
Strengthen the ecosystem of international organizations and funders working on participatory democracy, to align our work and enable us to accomplish more together.
", "", "", ""] -
Fortalecer el ecosistema de organizaciones internacionales y financiadores que trabajan en la democracia participativa, para alinear nuestro trabajo y permitirnos lograr más juntos.
", "Strengthen the ecosystem of international organizations and funders working on participatory democracy, to align our work and enable us to accomplish more together.
", "Renforcer l’écosystème des organisations internationales et des bailleurs de fonds travaillant sur la démocratie participative, pour aligner notre travail et nous permettre d’accomplir davantage ensemble.
", "Fortalecer o ecossistema de organizações internacionais e financiadores que trabalham na democracia participativa, para alinhar o nosso trabalho e permitir-nos realizar mais juntos.