Priorités du plan stratégique pour 2024
Décider quelles activités du plan stratégique 2024-26 nous accordons la priorité
Finaliser les objectifs et partager les résultats
27/11/2023 - 20/12/2023
Voir les étapes
Renforcement des capacités
Renforcer les capacités des membres pour soutenir la démocratie participative, la collecte de fonds, les communications et une organisation efficace et croissante.
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4 commentaires
Conversation avec Clara Bois
This strategy also relates to the strategy of "member fundraising". These capacity-building activities could be led by member organizations.
I like this especially the fundraising part. I have struggled to craft marketable proposals. Maybe one way is to share examples sample proposals
Capacity building allows PP to share messages, training and learning supporting a skilled base of members who can support one another.
This is very important, I'm very curious which capacities should be be prioritized? e.g. which should be the first training?
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