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Cambios en "Más apoyo para reforzar los centros regionales existentes"
Título (English)
- +More support for strengthening existing regional hubs
Título (Français)
Título (Castellano)
Título (Português)
Descripción (English)
Allocate additional funds to sustain and grow the initial two People Powered regional hubs, to ensure sustainability and solidify their presence. In 2022, People Powered launched regional hubs in Francophone Africa and in Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans, allocating one year of funding to this member priority.
The additional resources could be used for in-person convenings in each region for exchanging best practices, hiring regional advocates to promote the hub and its members, engaging in locally relevant governance spaces and/or customizing materials to fit regional contexts. Additional funding for activities would allow the hubs to widen their reach and increase the presence of People Powered in those respective regions. It will also allow the regional hubs to sustain their activities beyond May 2023 and to invest resources in fundraising to ensure sufficient funding for later.
Descripción (Français)
Descripción (Castellano)
Descripción (Português)
Fecha de inicio
- +2023-01-02
Fecha de finalización
- +2023-12-31
- +0.0